First Financial Fair

First Financial Fair is a unique platform that provides small and medium business opportunities for development through access to credits and information about possible sources of funding.

The project has been initiated and implemented by German-Ukrainian Fund with financial support from the German Government, which for 20 years has been successfully promoting the development of micro, small and medium enterprises in Ukraine. Strengthening SMEs is a strategic priority for the German-Ukrainian Fund, because this business segment is the foundation for the successful development of the state in the long run.

First Financial Fair aims to promote effective cooperation of banks, as well as other financial institutions and SMEs. All guests of the Fair will be able to get information about:

  • GUF new program to support SME financing through partner banks;
  • SME development strategy 2020 and European experience in implementing policies to support SMEs;
  • current bank loan program for entrepreneurs;
  • international experience in financial support of SMEs through the example of such countries as Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan;
  • alternative sources of funding;
  • practical advice on business development.





Panel discussions


Financial institutions




First Financial Fair for SMEs is initiated and organized by the German-Ukrainian Fund,
financial supported by the Government of Germany.

About the German-Ukrainian Fund

German-Ukrainian Fund (GUF) is a reliable partner of Ukrainian small and medium business for over 20 years. The fund was established by the National Bank of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine via the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and the German Credit Institution for Reconstruction (bank KfW). GUF supports financing Ukrainian micro, small and medium enterprises by providing them with loans for investment in fixed and working capital through partner banks.
GUF is a non-profit institution, therefore, any possible earnings are not distributed among the GUF founders, but are used for further lending to small and medium businesses.

How does the Fund operate?

To finance SMEs the Fund uses both equity and credit funds provided to the Government of Ukraine by Federal Republic of Germany as part of development programs and support. Through implementing these programs GUF creates a bridge that provides financial cooperation between Ukraine and Germany.
Support of SMEs isn’t carried out directly but through selected partner banks that meet GUF eligibility criteria, fulfilling the principle of “second level” institution. This behavior does not create competition between GUF and banks, but, on the contrary, strengthens their credit supply, preventing increase of GUF spends on the program by using the branch network of partner banks. It also prevents corrupt acts through delegating right to make decisions on granting credit (final decision-makers are partner banks). This principle is similar to those that are used by European development banks to support SME financing.

How does this help business?

For business community cooperation with the Fund is an opportunity to raise additional funds for business development and establish favorable conditions for cooperation with the bank. Since the beginning of GUF work in 1996, over 162 000 small and medium enterprises received funding support as part of Fund’s program, totaling about 754 million Euro.
As part of its programs GUF uses interest rate restrictions for end borrowers – entrepreneurs. The aim is to make financial resources for SMEs more attractive and accessible for investment projects. As important precondition of limiting interest rates was establishing mechanism to avoid currency risk, which GUF fully assumed as from their own, and by the European Commission.

German-Ukrainian Fund partner banks

Today the list of GUF partner banks includes the following Ukrainian banks: JSC ProCredit Bank, JSB Ukrgasbank, JSC Megabank, JSC Oschadbank, JSC CREDITWEST Bank. However, it should be noted that the said list of banks-partners of GUF is not final. German-Ukrainian Fund regularly examines Ukrainian banks applications to participate in GUF programs for becoming GUF partner bank.


  • KredoBank
  • ProCredit Bank
  • Ukrgasbank
  • Oschadbank
  • Megabank
  • Idea Bank
  • Raiffeisen Bank Aval
  • Pivdenny
  • ESKA Capital
  • PUMB
  • PrivatBank
  • UkrSibbank
  • OTP Bank
  • GLOBUS Bank
  • VAB Leasing
  • Lend-Lease (Alfa-Leasing)
  • BANK CREDIT Dnipro
  • TAS Insurance


Partner banks

Media partners

In cooperation with the


Керівник інформаційного забезпечення Штабу ОЗС НАТО в Європі (SHAPE), (Великобританія)

З 2007 року Марк Лейті є керівником інформаційного забезпечення (StratCom) в Штабі Об’єднаних збройних сил НАТО в Європі (SHAPE). Він став першим, хто обійняв цю посаду, створену внаслідок зростання важливості інформаційних кампаній у військових операціях. Його апарат виконував провідну роль у розробці політики інформаційного забезпечення (StratCom), а зараз здійснює нагляд за її реалізацією та подальшим розвитком у ході операцій НАТО.

Марк Лейті перейшов до НАТО, пропрацювавши 22 роки в журналістиці, головним чином – на радіо і телебаченні

До цього займав різні посади в НАТО, серед яких речник НАТО в Кабулі і радник командувача сил ISAF, старший цивільний представник НАТО з питань інформаційного забезпечення, начальник підрозділу публічної інформації в Штабі ОЗС НАТО (SHAPE), спеціальний радник найвищих посадових осіб НАТО, спеціальний аташе із зв’язку з військовими, керівник нагляду за інформаційними кампаніями в ході операцій НАТО тощо.



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